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Mid-Season Tournament, Inner-City, and League Play 

Miss Florida Softball will play under official USSSA fast pitch rules, as modified by FL USSSA, with the following exceptions:

1. All players must be rostered on a Miss Florida Softball team during the regular season.  All cities must provide Miss Florida with individual team rosters for their entire organization in EXCEL format only (Player full names, division, coach's last name, and birthdates) and pay all fees by the deadlines clearly stated in writing to all Miss Florida members.  The mid-season participating team rosters will be turned in no later than 10 days prior to the tournament.  These rosters will be verified against league rosters.  Any discrepancies will be reported to the league president and the Miss Florida Board immediately.

2. Entire roster must bat in all age divisions.  Each time a player fails to take their turn at bat, she will be declared an out.  

3. Every player on the team is required to play two (2) full innings during every game.  Girls will play for a minimum of three (3) consecutive defensive outs (one (1) inning). If a team has more than ten (10) players on the roster, a player may not sit more than one (1) inning during each game. The team’s core players must start the game and receive more or equal playing time than any of the team's pickup players. Substitutions are to be made every inning.  If the game does not last more than two (2) innings, or a player is pulled for an injury, the team is not penalized. This rule resets at the end of every game.  This rule is based on a roster of 12 or less.  Larger rostered teams are expected to follow this rule as close as they are able to do so. PENALTY:  Failure to play each player two (2) full innings or three (3) consecutive outs is a protestable offense resulting in an automatic forfeit.  These protests should be made IMMEDIATELY after the violation has occurred.  Please see protest procedures in bold.

4. Teams will be allowed to play ten (10) defensive players, with the 10th players playing an outfield position. You need a minimum of 8 players to qualify to play the game.  If you have 8, the 9th phantom batter will be counted as an out.  If you have 9 players, that is considered a full team and there is no penalty.

5. There will be a maximum of 5 runs (NOT MODIFIED) scored or 3 outs per half innings, whichever comes first.  The 5 run rule applies to all innings of the game.  Run rules are 12/10/8 after 3/4/5/ innings.

6. Bats must have a USA or USSSA stamp, and must be Fastpitch only.

7. All seeding games MUST have a winner declared, and cannot end in a tie. International tie breaker method will be utilized to complete the game.

Time Limits (Mid-Season Tournament)

T-Ball – One hour.

8U and above – one hour 15 minutes. 

8U, 10U, 12U & 16U - General

1. A team is allowed pick-up players (which must be from your own organization). Pick-up players are allowed as follows:  8 from your roster are required – you may pick up (4) four  players; 9 from your roster playing may pick-up (3) three players; 10 from your roster playing may pick-up (2) two players.  If 11 or more from your roster are playing NO pick-up players are allowed.  Pickup players MUST wear their own team uniform, play the outfield, and bat last in the batting order.  Pick-up players may only play on one team in the tournament.  They cannot be a pick-up player if their team is/was registered in the tournament.  All players, including pick-up players, may only play on one team.  No exceptions.  NO pick-up player may play more innings than any regular team rostered player.  The penalty is a protestable offense – if you are found in violation of the rule - the game is FORFEITED.  Please see protest process in bold, below.

2. Home team will be decided by coin toss. (mid-season)

3. “COURTESY RUNNER” – will be THE LAST RECORDED OUT.  They can run for the pitcher or catcher of record ONLY.  If you fail to report a pitching or catching change, your new pitcher or catcher cannot have a courtesy runner. 

4. No infield practice prior to game time. 

5. An official scorekeeper may be provided by the host city. If this is the case, the official scorekeeper will be positioned behind home plate backstop.  Home team and visitor team scorekeeper will be allowed to sit with the official scorekeeper if they wish.  Beginning time must recorded.  Umpire must sign the book after the game.  Starting pitchers and catchers MUST BE identified.  The pitcher information will be obtained from the official scorebook and the plate umpire's scorecard.  The host city will provide scoresheets for each game. If the host city does not provide a scorekeeper, the home team is the official scorekeeper, and the plate umpire is required to sign the scorebook before it is turned into the designated Miss Florida director.  The umpires must also submit copies of both team lineup cards and their scorecard with the game score and recorded defensive substitutions.
6. The tournament format will be Single Elimination with a two (2) game guarantee.  If a team received a bye in the 1st round, it is considered a win.  If a bye team from the first round loses before they can play two games, a consolation game will be played “IF” possible.  


               1st Place Team – 24” Gold

               1st Place individuals – 10” Gold

                2nd Place Team – 24 Silver

                2nd Place Individuals – 10”” Silver

                 3rd Place Individuals -   Medallions

PITCHING RULE: No pitcher can pitch any more than 2 of the first 4 innings and no more than 3 of 6 innings.  Innings do not have to be consecutive. (If game goes to 7 innings (or tie breakers after 6 innings, pitching can restart with no more than 2 of 4 innings or 3 of 6 innings or you can bring in a third or fourth pitcher).  IF a pitcher pitches 1 pitch, it constitutes an inning.  IF a team has more than 2 pitchers, the same number of innings rule applies.  The pitching rules resets after every game.    

PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF PITCHING REGULATIONS IS: Ejection for the head coach for the rest of that game and the following game.  Pitcher is also ejected (restricted to the dug-out) for the remainder of that game and the next.  Her position in the batting order will be an automatic “OUT” for the remainder of the first game of ejection.  She will not be listed in the batting order for the second game and can’t play any position on defensive. Second offense will result in a forfeit.

Once the tournament has begun, the “host city” in consultation with the Miss Florida Board has the right to change the tournament format to successfully conclude the tournament, if weather or other unforeseen issues arise.

Protest fee will be $50 CASH paid directly to Miss Florida or the UIC.  Any protest on rules MUST be made immediately after the violation has occurred during the game, and must be made in accordance with USSSA Rules, addressed to the plate umpire only.  The game will stop, and he/she will report to the UIC, and the protest will move to the Miss Florida Tournament Director and UIC. Rule violation protests that are found to be upheld/true will result in an automatic forfeit of the game the rule was violated in. For protests in regards to eligibility of a player or team, the protest needs to be brought to the Miss Florida Tournament Director within 10 minutes following completion of the game.  Player eligibility protest will be presented to an Executive Miss Florida Board Member, and if the team is found to be in violation of the eligibility rule, the offending league will be removed from mid-season tournament, disqualified from the All-Star tournament, and will NOT be eligible to join miss Florida the following season.  If they would like to re-join Miss Florida, they will need to hold a meeting with the Miss Florida Executive Board.  **Please note: if you do not follow the proper procedure on how to protest, the protest is not valid and cannot be heard or ruled upon.  If the plate umpire will not stop the game for your rule protest to be heard, please contact the UIC immediately.  Umpire judgement calls cannot be protested.  No refunds on any protest, regardless of the outcome.

All games played must have a timer, scoreboard timer or time keeping device under the control of the plate umpire. 

NO METAL CLEATS will be allowed in any division of any Miss Florida Event. 

ALL DEFENSIVE CHANGES MUST BE GIVEN TO THE PLATE UMPIRE IN writing or verbally if the umpire is keeping a scorecard. This can change based upon UIC discretion. (EXAMPLE:  Top of 3   24 for 12).  This includes all your pitchers and catcher changes as well. Since the entire lineup bats, there should NOT be any offensive changes.  Your scorekeeper needs to be tracking these changes as well, in case of any discrepancies.


 Eight & Under Coach Pitch Rules – League & Mid-Season Tournament

USSSA Eight & Under Coach Pitch rules, as modified by Florida USSSA, will be followed unless superseded by one of the following Miss Florida Softball rules for Eight & Under Coach Pitch. 

1. OFFICIAL SOFTBALL will be the 11” Optic Yellow Softball. 
2. THE GAME – The game shall consist of seven innings or a 75 minute time limit.
3. DEFENSIVE PLAYERS – All defensive players must play by position.  Outfielders must be positioned on the outfield grass or behind a line 10’ outside the base path, if marked.  Minimum of 8 and maximum of 10 defensive players on the field, with the 10th player playing an outfield position.
4. DEFENSIVE COACHES – Two (2) defensive coaches will be allowed on the field and must be positioned behind the outfielders.  Defensive coach will be allowed to give continual instructions to defense.  No catcher/coach will be allowed.
5. BATTING – The batter will be allowed five (5) pitches or three (3) strikes to hit the ball into fair territory.  If the fifth pitch or 3rd strike is fouled the batter may continue to bat until there is a strike out or the ball is hit into fair territory. 
6. OFFENSIVE COACHES – The offensive team will be allowed three (3) coaches as follows:  One first base coach, one third base coach, one coach serving as pitcher.
7. The pitcher/coach will pitch from a thirty-five (35) foot pitching rubber.  The pitcher/coach may receive the ball from the player positioned as pitcher or catcher ONLY.    The pitcher/coach shall NOT give base running instructions to the batter/base runner or any other base runner. 

PENALTY: First offense – warning.  

Second offense – Ejection of the offending coach.

1. The pitcher/coach must make every effort to avoid interfering with the defensive players.   
2. If the pitcher/coach is unintentionally hit with a batted ball, it is an immediate dead ball and a no pitch.

  1. If, upon an immediately batted ball, the coach intentionally makes contact with the ball or, in the umpire’s judgment, interferes with a defensive play, the ball is dead, and the batter is out, and all runners return to the base they occupied at the time of the pitch.

  2. If the coach makes contact with the ball or, in the umpire’s judgment, interferes with a “delayed” defensive play, the ball is dead and the runner closest to home is out and all runners return to the base they legally occupied at the time of the interference.

PENALTY: First offense – draws a warning or ejection, based on the severity.   

Second offense – draws an automatic ejection of the offending coach. 

7. BASERUNNING – The base runners must be in contact with the base until a legally pitched ball is hit.  PENALTY: “No Pitch” will be called and the runner will be declared out. 

8.   CATCHERS – The catcher may be positioned anywhere from the catcher’s box to the backstop screen.  

  1. If the catcher is positioned within the catcher’s box, she must be properly equipped with shin guards, chest protector, and wear a NOCSAE approved helmet with protective mask.

  2. If the catcher is positioned outside the catcher’s box, (between the catcher’s box and the backstop screen) she must wear a NOCSAE approved helmet with facemask.


  1. Hash marks must be placed halfway between 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and home.

  2. Player fields ball on one side of line, fielder is allowed to run to closest base. (ex. Second baseman fields a ball on the first base side of hash mark, they are allowed to run to first base to record out.)

  3. Player fields ball on the far side of line, fielder must call time or throw to base in front of them. (ex.  Shortstop fields a ball on the second base side of hash mark, to record out at third, they must throw to 3rd baseman before crossing hash mark). 

  4. Pitchers are allowed to run a player down going home as long as they fielded the ball on the home plate side of hash mark. 

  5. All hash marks are not enforced in case of rundowns or “pickle” situations. 

10.  There will be hash marks halfway between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, and 3rd and home.  These will be used to direct a runner to the next base or return to the last base touched (umpire judgment) when “time” is given by umpire.

11. Time will be called when a defensive player has possession of the ball in advance of the lead runner (stop progress of lead runner) or the ball is returned to the pitcher with at least one foot inside the circle (e.g., Request “time” from the umpire).

13.  Teams have to bat a minimum of 9 players, but there is no maximum amount of your players you can bat.

(All-Star tournament only.  League and Mid-season bat entire lineup.)

13.  No bunting or stealing will be allowed.

14.  Courtesy Runner will be LAST RECORDED OUT (for pitcher and catcher only).  

15.  There will be a maximum of 5 runs scored or 3 outs per each half inning, whichever comes first.  Run rules are 12/10/8 runs after 3/4/5 innings.

16.  Overthrows (This pertains to ALL bases and throws back to the pitcher) (rec and midseason)

There will be only one base allowed (not awarded) on the first overthrow on a play.  The one base is not automatically awarded the player can still be put out.  Any runners not being played on will also be controlled by the one base allowed.   (ie: base runner at first, ball is hit and batter runner proceeds towards first base, ball is overthrown – the runner from first base will have to stop at third (1+1 but the +1 is not guaranteed).  Once the batter runner reaches second base or stops at first, play is dead for all runners. 


  1. T-Ball:  11-inch poly soft ball will be used.  

  1. Distances:  

    1. Pitching rubber set at 35 feet. 

    2. Restraining Arc is 35 feet from point of home plate

    3. Catcher’s Arc is 10 feet from point of home plate

    4. Base length is 60 feet. 

  1. Innings:  Regulation game is 5 innings.  Tiebreaker Procedure will be used in the 6th inning or in any inning that begins after time has expired. 

  1. Time Limit:  55-minute time limit. 

  1. Runs per Inning:  Maximum of 5 runs can be scored each inning for each team. 

  1. Run Rule:  If either team is behind and cannot catch up or go ahead, the game shall be over immediately.  Effectively that is 13 runs after 3 innings, 7 runs after 4 innings.

  1. Offensive Lineup:  the batting lineup may be any number from nine up.  If a player is removed for any reason other than ejection, the spot in the batting order will be skipped with no out recorded. 

  1. Defensive Positions:  the defensive team must have a minimum of 8 and may have a maximum of 10 players in the field.

    1. Defensive players must remain behind the pitcher’s plate line until the batter has hit the ball.

    2. Only players playing an “in field” position can position themselves on the infield.  The rest must be in the outfield.  The outfield is defined as at least 10 feet outside the base line of fair territory.

    3. One player shall be in the pitcher’s position on the pitching mound with at least one foot with 8 feet of the pitcher’s plate at the start of each play and cannot leave it position until the ball is hit off the “T”.

    4. CATCHERS – The catcher may be positioned anywhere from the catcher’s box to the backstop screen.  If the catcher is positioned within the catcher’s box, she must be properly equipped with shin guards, chest protector, and wear a NOCSAE approved helmet with protective mask.

If the catcher is positioned outside the catcher’s box, (between the catcher’s box and the backstop screen) she must wear a NOCSAE approved helmet with facemask.


  1. Offensive: The batter will be allowed three swings.  If the batter misses the ball it will be counted as a swing (strike).  If the ball goes foul, or the ball does not go over the 10’ Tee Arc, this will be considered a swing (strike).  If the batter fouls a third strike the batter will be called out. 

    1. The batter will be allowed only one practice swing prior to each swing in the batter’s box; Any excess practice swings will be called a strike. 

    2. All offensive players must wear NOCSAE approved batting helmets with face mask.

  1. Runners may not leave the base until the ball is hit.  Penalty: dead ball, runner is out.

  1. One base on over-throw.

  1. Stealing is NOT permitted.

  1. All throws must be overhand, except when momentum or close distance requires an underhand toss.  NO BALL ROLLING.

  1. Modified two step rule:

    1. Hash marks must be placed halfway between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, and 3rd and home. 

    2. Player fields ball on one of line, fielder is allowed to run to closest base (ex. Second baseman fields a ball on the first base side of hash mark, they are allowed to run to first base to try to record an out)

    3. Player fields ball on the far side of line, fielder must throw to base in front of the runner. (ex.  Shortstop fields a ball on the second base side of hash mark, to record out at third, they must throw to 3rd baseman before crossing has mark)

    4. Pitchers are allowed to run a player down going home as long as they fielded the ball on the home plate side of hash mark. 

    5. All hash marks are not enforced in case of rundowns or “pickle” situations.


  1. Defensive player (in control of the ball) must be in the pitcher’s circle or stop progress of lead runner to have play stopped (e.g., Request “time” from umpire). 

***In the umpire’s judgment, “time” will be called when any player requests it if all other play has stopped.***

  1. There will be hash marks halfway between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, and 3rd and home.  These will be used to direct a runner to the next base or return to the last base touched (umpire judgment) when “time” is given by umpire.

  1. Defensive coaches – Two (2) defensive coaches will be allowed on the field and must be positioned behind the outfielders.  Coaches will be allowed to give continual instructions to defense.

  1. Offensive coaches – The offensive team will be allowed three (3) coaches as follows:  1 first base coach, 1 third base coach, and 1 coach at home plate to manage the batting tee and assist batter. Home plate coach will be responsible for moving the tee from the field of play, without interfering with the play.  Penalty:  The runner closest to home will be called out and all runners will return to the last base legally occupied. 

  All-Star Rules (8U Only)

1. 6 run limit per team, per inning (USSSA)
2. No overthrow or two step rule (USSSA)
3. 10 players on the field, 4 being in the outfield.
4. Time out must be called by pitcher with at least one foot in the circle.  For all other players, it must be called out in front of the lead runner.  If the runner has met the hash tag or halfway point determined by the umpire, they are awarded the base.  This is at the umpire's discretion.   
5. No infield fly rule. 

Any rules not listed here, resort to USSSA.                                  

All Star Rules (ages 10U thru 16U)

  1. All cities must participate in “MID-SEASON TOURNAMENT” to be able to attend “ALL STARS”. 

  1. All players must have played 2/3 or 10 games, (whichever applies based on your # of season games) to be eligible as an all-star player.

  1. A pick-up player may only be picked-up two (2) times during a regular season to be eligible as an all-star player.   (A pick-up player is defined as a player who is being ‘picked-up’ to play a regular season game by a team no more than one division above her own.  There is no limit on the number of times a player may be ‘borrowed’ by a team in her own division.)

  1. All Star Tournament will be a straight double-elimination format. 

  1. All Divisions will be played in accordance with the current years USSSA Official Rule Book modified by Florida USSSA rules and Miss Florida.   

  1. Games will be 1 hour and 15 minutes or 7 innings, whichever comes first.

  1. Game time is forfeit time.  Only tournament Director or UIC may forfeit a game.

  1. There will be an official scorekeeper at each field.  The umpire will give any changes to the official scorekeeper only.   The official score sheet (along with the lineup sheets) will be turned in to the Tournament Director immediately after the game, after it has been signed by the umpire.  The Home Team will be the official scorekeeper. They will need to hand them to the designated tournament director after every game.

  1. Home Team scorekeeper is responsible for running the scoreboard (if operational) during the game. 

  1.  Home team will be decided by coin toss.

  1. All games must have a timer, scoreboard timer or time keeping device that will be controlled by plate umpire. 

  1.  Courtesy runner for the pitcher or catcher of record can be either a sub (someone that has not been in the game) or the (last recorded out).  Miss Florida rule.  

  1.  Per board approval - No metal cleats will be allowed at any MFS event in any age group.  Miss Florida Softball rule. 

  2. No pitching limitations.

  3. 9 players on the field, with 3 outfielders.  No 10th position is allowed.

  4. Protest fee will be $75 CASH paid to Miss Florida.  Any protest not made during the game (i.e.: player eligibility) must be made in accordance with USSSA Rules to the Miss Florida Tournament Director within 10 minutes following completion of the game.  Player eligibility protest will be presented to the Miss Florida Board of Directors and if the team is found to be in violation of the eligibility rule, the offending league will be disqualified from the All-Star tournament, and will NOT be eligible to join miss Florida for the next spring season.

  5. Trophy Requirements:

1st Place Team   = 24”  Gold

1st Place Individual  = 10”  Gold

2nd Place Team   = 24”  Silver

2nd Place Individual = 10”  Silver

3rd Place Individual  = Medallion

Approved 02/28/10 Miss Florida Board

Changes approved 2/24/13

Scorekeeper Rules

  1. Your team goes on the top of the book at every game.

  1. The line-up for every game must include a LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, and A JERSEY NUMBER. The team name MUST be your official team name and format that was registered into the tournament. 

  1. Home team must have umpires sign the book after the game.

  1. Make 2 line-ups; one goes to the opposing coach and one goes to the plate umpire.

  1. Keep up with the pitching rotation.  Document on the score sheets total outs pitched by EACH pitchers for every game.

  1. All books must be legible for All Star verification.

  1. Highlighters are not to be used in the books; they are for All Star verification only.

  1. NOTE:  Any deviation will result in your players not being verified for All Stars.       

Contact Us

Miss Florida Softball

Stephanie Roberts 
Sarasota, Florida 34236

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 941-504-9834
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